Marijuana flowering refers to the stage of growth when the cannabis plant produces flowers, also known as buds. This stage typically occurs after the vegetative growth stage and can last anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the strain and growing conditions.
Types of Marijuana Flowers
Sativa: Often used to help with depression and anxiety.
Indica: Used for pain, sleep issues, and inflammation.
Hybrid: A combination of sativa and indica.
Characteristics of Marijuana
Marijuana flowering is the stage where the plant produces buds rich in cannabinoids. Triggered by a 12/12 light cycle, this phase features rapid growth, white pistils, and resin-coated trichomes. Nutrient needs shift to focus on phosphorus and potassium, while terpenes enhance the plant’s aroma. This stage is vital for cultivating high-quality cannabis.
Formation of Calyxes
The plant begins to produce calyxes, which are small, tear-shaped structures that eventually form the buds.
Development of Pistils
Pistils, emerge from the calyxes and begin to grow, stretching out delicately as they reach for light and air.
Production of Resin
The plant starts to produce resin, a sticky substance that contains the majority of the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes.
Color Change
The buds begin to change color, often turning from green to yellow, orange, purple, or red, depending on the strain.
Stages of Marijuana Flowering
Marijuana flowering involves four key stages: Transition: Adapts to 12/12 light and grows rapidly, Early: Buds and white pistils emerge, Mid: Buds thicken, aroma intensifies, Late: Buds mature, pistils darken—ready for harvest.
Week 1-2
Begins to produce calyxes and pistils.
Week 3-4
The buds start to swell and produce resin.
Week 5-6
The buds continue to grow and mature.
Week 7-8
The buds begin to ripen and change color.
Week 9-12
The buds are fully mature and ready for harvest.
Factors Affecting Marijuana Flowering
Several factors can significantly impact marijuana flowering, including light cycle, temperature, humidity, and nutrient availability. A light cycle of 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is typically required to induce flowering. Temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C) and humidity levels around 40-50% also promote healthy flowering.
The type and intensity of lighting can affect the flowering stage.
The plant’s nutrient intake impacts the health & quality of the buds.
Temperature fluctuations can affect the plant’s growth and development.
The humidity level can impact the plant’s ability to produce resin and develop mold.
Harvesting Marijuana Flowers
Marijuana harvesting is a critical stage that requires precision and patience. Timing is everything, as harvesting too early can result in lower potency and yields, while waiting too long can lead to over-ripening and decreased quality. Typically, plants are ready to harvest when the buds are dense, the trichomes are cloudy or amber, and the pistils have turned brown. Cutting, drying, and curing techniques also play a crucial role in preserving the plant’s flavor, aroma, and potency, making it essential to follow proper harvesting and post-harvest procedures.
The ideal harvest time is when the buds are fully mature and the trichomes are cloudy or amber.
Cut the branches just above a node, using clean and sharp scissors or pruning shears.
Dry the buds slowly and carefully to preserve the cannabinoids and terpenes.
Store the dried buds in airtight containers to allow them to cure and develop their full flavor and potency.